
Showing posts from March, 2017

Are dangerous internet trends threatening democracy?

The man who invented the internet thinks so. The internet recently celebrated its 28 th birthday, but instead of celebrating, Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the World Wide Web, voiced apprehension and concern. He outlines several major issues that could threaten democracy, and are preventing his creation from fulfilling its “true potential as a tool which serves all of humanity.” Topping the list is the loss of control over our personal data, the spread of misinformation, and lack of transparency in political advertising. More and more we are getting our news from social media sites and search engines. These sites constantly collect our personal data and us it to create the algorithms that decide what to show us. This is problematic for several reasons says Berners-Lee: “The net result is that these sites show us content they think we’ll click on – meaning that misinformation, or ‘fake news’, which is surprising, shocking, or designed to appeal to our biases can  spread lik

Tweeting Excersise

Tweeting Exercise The layoffs described in the December news conference exercise at the National Widget Company: @AndyBryce (Prez of National Widget Company) announcing layoffs of 2,000 Canadians effective immediately #NWClayoffs National Widget Company lay offs hit Victoria hardest, w/400 out of 2000 jobs lost #NWClayoffs #yyj National Widget Company layoffs attributed to Uzbekistan flooding widget market #NWClayoffs #UzbekistanWidgets The rehiring at the National Widget Company described earlier in the term: @AndyBryce announcing today National Widget Company re-hiring 200 employees laid off in June #NWClayoffs #NWCjobs National Widget Company rehiring 200, 50 in Victoria over next few weeks #NWClayoffs#NWCjobs#yyj @AndyBryce announced rehire @8AM “We have sent recall notices to all employees who were laid off in June” #NWCjobs An expansion at the National Widget Company: @AndyBryce announcing NWC expansion after recently rehiring 200 of 400 laid off in 2016 #NWC

Straddling the Chasm: A brief introduction to Jason Motz

It’s hard not to be impressed by Jason Motz. At only 33, being managing editor of Positive Living Magazine and a successful freelance writer are just the most recent on his list of accomplishments and accolades. More importantly, his honesty, candor and unique perspective of the world will inspire anyone who has ever had ever had a dream. J: “The inspiration to be writer is tough to isolate as it's something I have done (privately for the most part) since high school. Being a writer always seemed like nice vocation but hardly practical”. K: So what makes you different? What does it take to be a successful writer? J: “As far as being a successful writer, that's a tough nut. Define success? Bob Dylan once said ‘What's money? A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do.’ But to better address your question, there are certain skills any aspiring writer must yield: Tenacity, curiosity, an op