
Showing posts from January, 2017

Trump is the expert on religious discrimination

In a ridiculously ironic twist, president Trump claims that Christian Refugees from Syria have been unfairly discriminated against. Am I missing something? Check out this blog it has some illuminating facts

The internet present: Digital Minimalism!

The discussion and promotion of digital minimalism would only exist on a minute scale without the internet. Irony! Discuss...

Idiocracy: The Great Dumbing Down

This movie probably went straight to video..even though it had some good actors in it. I completely forgot about it until I saw an advertisement for a game (for children) based solely on fart sounds. I went back and watched the movie again and it chilled me to the bone that satirist mike judge had a more realistic grasp on what was coming our way. A monkey in a suit could be a better president than least everyone would have free bananas. Tired of trump? me too. but at least this blog has funny things to say about it. Laugh until you cry as they say..

Read into this.

For me, Attwood's post:   promotes quality over quantity, listening instead of talking and ultimately the pointless battle against people who will just read until they find a trigger to preemptively opine. By outlining blog readers' inability to sit through an entire post he illuminates a general theme of today's society, an inherent inability of a unwilling audience to be attentive, absorb, process then intelligently respond. I have ADHD, but I love to read so..two of the reasons I thought that blogging would be a bit of a struggle for me. Fortunately...he has a good point, people should take the time to read the whole article. If posting often gains precedent to the content then we might as well support a reality tv-star as the leader of the free world...oh well..All the more important that we read what he has to say. Reading= Listening, and listening instead of talking is how we will ultimately learn mo